Art Therapist Directory
This directory includes graduates, students (who have RP(Qualifying) status), and creative arts therapists who are connected with the Toronto Art Therapy Institute currently offering art therapy services in private practice or other settings.
The directory is created from community contributions, searchable by filters such as location and specializations, and hosted on the TATI website with the intention of easing access to and increasing awareness of art therapy. However, the directory does not represent recommendation or endorsement from TATI for any practitioner. Visitors to the directory are encouraged to visit the practitioners’ websites to learn more about their practices and decide whether they meet your specific interests and needs.
You can use the search bar to search a key term, or click the “Advanced Search” icon next to the search bar to apply relevant filters. You can also browse through all listings by clicking the below “All Art Therapists” link. Click on the name of each practitioner to view their individual profile.
The directory is a new initiative and there’s always room for improvement! If you experience any technical difficulties or barriers in using the directory, please let us know.
Creative arts therapists looking to join the directory: Our submission form is forthcoming – please check back on this page!
💜Gratitudes to TATI student Amy Tschupruk for her tech wizardry in the creation of this directory!