This report presents an analysis of data gathered from a survey of alumni and current students of the Toronto Art Therapy Institute in 2024.

The first part of the survey explored key aspects of employment in art therapy, including the current employment experiences of respondents, the various settings in which they work, and the time it took for them to secure art therapy related employment.

The second part of the survey inquired about the respondents’ interests in alumni support programming from TATI, including the types of support they might be interested in, as well as topics of interest for their professional development in art therapy.

The survey was sent by email in December 2024 to alumni who graduated in the past 10 years (2014-2024), as well as current students who have not yet graduated. A total of 213 graduates and 185 current students were contacted (total contacted = 398). The survey received 154 unique responses, with a 39% respondent rate.

Click here to read the report.

We thank the TATI staff and student who worked on this survey in its development, implementation, analysis, and reporting: Amina Abbas, Kristina Borg, Patricia Ki, Jesse Pajuäär, and Amy Tschupruk.

Much gratitude to the TATI students and alumni who took time to fill out the survey and offer their valuable insights.