Congratulations to Jessie and Emily!

Recently TATI grad Emily Whelan, DTATI, was hired to provide art therapy services to northern and remote indigenous communities.  Now the same agency has hired a second TATI graduate, Jessie Buchanan, DTATI, to work with Emily on the same project.  Here is an update from Jessie on their work:

“I hope this email finds you well! I just wanted to let you know that Emily Whelan and I are now working together at a new mental health organization Anderson Therapy Services (Dundas, Ont)! We have both been hired full time to create and deliver an art therapy program that services northern and remote, indigenous communities. In this role, we deliver art therapy services in our communities via teleconference (zoom, which is like Skype) and we occasionally visit our communities in person. We are creating a program that uses art assessments and treatment plans but using the medicine wheel as a template and guide. “

Grace Chiu, DTATI, RP,  (May 2009  cohort) has updated us with her news, ” After I completed the MA program at Waterloo, I continued my studies in Clinical Pastoral Education. I am working at the Scarborough Hospital as a Spiritual Care Practitioner and also have a private practice offering Art Therapy and Psychotherapy. ”  Great to hear Grace!!

We congratulate Sharon Trottier, DTATI who recently contributed as both a Lead artist and Art Therapist in the Personal Narratives Exhibit .  The exhibit ran till August 17, 2018 and more info can be viewed at:

TATI sends out congratulations to Christina Lee, DTATI who just graduated in June and who has accepted a full-time 1-year contract at Dr. Jay’s Children’s Grief Centre in Toronto as a Grief and Bereavement Counselor.
Congratulations Christina! We are all so proud of you! (posted July 2018)

TATI wishes to congratulate Emily Whelan, DTATI on her new positionwhich sounds very exciting:
The position is as a full time art therapist working with children and youth in northern Ontario communities. This position involves on site work within fly-in communities, as well as art therapy through assistive technology (video art therapy). The agency is Anderson Speech Language Pathologists, who are currently going through a marketing shift to include mental health and other health services within their team. They have been providing speech language pathology services to remote fly in communities within Ontario for over 12 years. The communities have requested Art Therapy services, which prompted Anderson Speech to develop this program.
Congratulations Emily!(Posted July 2018)